Diet loses 20 kg in less than two months

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- Drinking a glass of warm water and it half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach to burn fat
- a cup of Aloe Vera, cumin morning juice save you from excess weight
- apple cider vinegar solution magic before each meal to increase the burn and reduce appetite - tea, ginger honey amazing recipe for fragmentation of fat
 - diet loses 20 kilo in only 7 weeks
The accumulated fat around the abdomen and buttocks area need to double efforts for final disposal, so I advise you site 'The Health SITE "by following these steps, along with diet and sports.
Lemon and honey: a cup of warm water and the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey and taken in the morning on an empty stomach. This will have amazing results did not imagine.
 Aloe Vera cumin: Take two tablespoons of aloe vera leaf juice and mix some cumin, then add warm water and drink it in the morning. In addition to the amount of this mixture to burn fat, it is a natural laxative for those who suffer constipation.
Apple cider vinegar: magic solution to burn excess fat in the body as it reduces the appetite of food in general and sweets in particular. You can add a spoonful of it to half a cup of warm water before each meal.
 Ginger tea: Fresh ginger can peel and cut into slices and put it in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes and then covered with white sweetened with honey. And this mixture is capable of burning the accumulated fat in the body dramatically.

20 kg in 7 weeks:

  Besides natural recipes and if you more than once to follow the diets failed to lose weight, it might have you could try healthy diet described by Dr «Majid Olives» nutrition and obesity consultant, followed by a lot of the ladies and succeeded in losing about 20 kilograms of body weight in just seven weeks.

- breakfast:

Half a loaf or two of my toast diet or diet crusty bread + boiled egg or the amount of 2 tablespoons cheese or the amount of 3 tbsp soy + a glass of orange juice or grapefruit juice or cup skim milk or yogurt tray or a spoonful of honey bees.
- Snack, after eating breakfast two hours. The fruit of one fruit.
- Snack, light meal after the previous two hours. Grain carrot +3 beads cucumber.

- Lunch:

3 tablespoons & Pasta rice or quarter of a loaf or toast diet or potato grilled or boiled + a quarter of a chicken, boiled or grilled skinless or two piece of meat boiled or grilled or fish grilled or tuna water tray or refinery oil or unwashed with vinegar or 2 eggs well boiled + vegetable dish medium-sized without oil or margarine can add tomatoes, garlic, onion, soup but without the fat and add to the dish potato or taro or peas + dish composed salad of cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, radishes and watercress.
- Snack, after lunch two hours: can in this period a cup juice without sugar or eat the fruit of an apple or pear or orange or tangerine or guava or slice fruit or finger banana small or 2 fruit apricot or two a peach or 10 pills of strawberries

- Dinner:

 (must be before eight o'clock and before bedtime at least 3 hours) (toast diet slices + boiled or the amount of 50 grams cheese) or egg (a can of tuna without oil + green salad dish) or (yogurt small tray + piece of fruit) vegetable soup or a dish or two of fruit or fruit yogurt amount of 200 grams tray.

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