Five tips to quit smoking forever

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Smoking causes 1/3 of cancer deaths and a quarter of the incidence of fatal heart attack
The 350,000 people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. What is surprising is that more than 40,000 study proved that smoking damages health and causes death.

In this article we offer you eight effective ways to quit smoking. If you are able to follow you will be able to control your life and your health better:

1. Select the reasons why you want to quit smoking.

Motivation is the most important factor in resisting the temptations of smoking, for this it is important to draw up a list of reasons for which you want to quit, according to the Centers for Disease Control advises and Prevention.
However, the reason "because it is harmful to health" may not be enough. Form the intention need to incentives strong character, such as "I want to protect my family from passive smoking" or "I want to be a good role model for my children" or "I want to avoid premature wrinkles" or "I want to give money," or "I do not want others to judge me that I exercise bad habit "or" I do not want to have the impotence. "

2. Have the support of others

Tell your family and friends whom you trust that you intend to quit smoking, and ask them to support in the coming days and weeks, but select them how to support (for example: I want these days to reduce the psychological stress),. If you know someone who quit smoking, talk with him about his experience, psychological support is reducing the tension caused by the resistance of addiction.

3. Select the times that crave a cigarette to

Do you crave a cigarette when you're tense or depressed? When you're with your friends smokers? With drinking coffee? After the meal? When you feel bored? While watching TV? After a quarrel with someone? Select the times and the circumstances that motivate you to smoke a plan to replace the habit of smoking in these times other habits distract them, for example, walking for a quarter of an hour or playing an electronic game on your smartphone or eating piece of fruit or chewing gum, wait 15 minutes, and activities to relax, spoke by telephone with someone you trust and the same feelings for him, see the list of the reasons you have set for yourself to quit smoking.

4. Remove all mentions smoking from your house and your car and your workplace

Get rid of all tobacco products and sulfur sticks, lighters, cigarettes dishes, tried to get rid of smoke odors from your home and car. Avoid places with too much smokers. Tell your friends that you intend to quit smoking, and ask them not to smoke in front of you, if it will not cause embarrassment.

5. Use the directions for specialists

Visit a clinic to quit smoking for the use of the advice of a doctor who specializes in quitting,. Contact quitting line if present in your country, it offers psychological support and counseling,

Discover as well as some alternative therapies such as hypnosis and laser technology and needles Chinese, yoga and meditation.

Do you have experience in quitting smoking? Tell us about the methods that you succeeded in the comments below.

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