Do you want to become intelligent ?? : Food increases the intelligence and memory !!!

8:08 PM adam 0 Comments

Intelligence is the ability to be gained through exercise your mind and make it better through various means such as reading scientific books ....
But what many people do not know that there are foods help you increase your intelligence, and strengthen your memory

We begin governing food that increase or improve your intelligence and your memory

peanut butter
It is responsible for increasing the fat needed by the brain in order to speed up the processing of information and the ability to be absorbed

because it contains proteins and vitamins needed by the brain, such as vitamin B

especially fatty fish such as tuna because they contain omega-3 fat

Red meat 
because they contain a large proportion of protein, iron and fiber that keep brain cells from damage

fresh and dry Fruits and vegetables 
Because of the large number of vitamins that contain them and benefits, remains the best food strengthens memory
And raise the IQ, in addition to maintaining weight because they contain healthy fats

If you've followed these foods without extravagance, I am sure that you will increase your intelligence and strengthen the performance of your memory

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