Rumen causes and how to treat them

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Rumen of the problems faced by many and negatively affect many things in life, which appears in the abdomen as a result of the accumulation of excessive amounts of fat and increase with inflation in the fat cells in this region and the size of the rumen is often accompanied by an increase in weight in general.
You can overcome this rumen through diet and sports with patience and perseverance A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step which is due to poor eating habits and excessive eating on the need at irregular times, and also excessive intake of carbohydrates as well as lack of exercise, and more dangerous than that of imported dairy products . It may be hard to believe is that even make 1Kg of white cottage cheese, low-fat, we need to 14 liters of milk, and every kilo milk powder needs to be much more than that,
 For this, it's no surprise that we find a man out of every six men in the world suffer from obesity at the age of thirty and then this percentage increase after the age of forty. It is known also that the percentage of fat in a woman's body is twice the fat found in the body of the man.
This fat is causing the rumen where near the liver and digestive system and spread in the veins of the abdomen because of the effect of the hormone insulin so increase blood sugar and turn into fats and especially with the increasing wrong eating habits and Strutting sweets and chocolate note that whenever such a luxury the more calories were more

Get rid of the rumen:
1 . is that we begin immediately to change and replace poor eating habits new habits sound and correct based on the integration of basic food pillars that build the human body, such as sugars, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as in fat intake, not prevent them eating dietary fiber by at least 4060% of the meal.

2 -must also exercise regularly and easiest hiking, where to walk all 10 kilometers helps burn 800 thermal units, it is through sport that you can permanently eliminate the rumen.

3 -should also perform regular prayers, and where a person can burn 580 calories, at least, in addition to the attention to flatten the body and to maintain in the form of textures.

4 . It is also recommended to wear a belt around the abdomen stomach-stapling (repackaging from the outside instead of the stomach repackaging process) and practice exercises tummy tuck and strengthen the back.

 There are other solutions, especially for those who do not have the ability to engage in sports, including:
1-lying on the ground with the feet extended forward and move to the up and down alternately.
2-move in the room for three minutes on the heel and 3 minutes on your toes.
3-Go up on the bathroom chair then coast again and repeat this exercise several times.

Foods that reduce fat and must be followed
Choose zucchini and eggplant, which facilitates digestion, fennel and after removing the outer leaves him, and lettuce. Also eat option after a good clean, and tomatoes after peeled and cleaned of seeds because they are causing acidity. You can also add coriander or caraway to dishes because they help digestion. On the other hand, forget the harsh vegetables containing fiber, such as radish is, cabbage (white and red), green part of leeks. Stay away from Capsicum also as very difficult to digest its skin and seeds, and peas because they contain enzymes cause swelling in the stomach.

the fruit
Eat strawberries, apricots, pears, apples, peaches, after thoroughly washed. On the other hand, forget the fruit is rich in water, such as watermelon, cantaloupe (95 percent of the water). On the other hand, is the cherry and peach allies excellent for flatulence just like grapes, figs, and therefore should avoid these types particularly as it contains a large number of seeds.

Meat, fish
Advisable to eat fish instead of meat, but should avoid fatty fish such as tuna, sardines and mackerel species and salmon. In the case of meat eating, you must finely grinding it becomes easier for digestion with reference to the white meat (ie poultry meat and veal) easier on the digestion of red meat because it contains the least amount of fatty substances.

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