Weight loss by diet water

Diet Water is the best way to lose weight, in addition to the many benefits of water, it also helps weight loss because it fills the stomach to reduce the feeling of hunger and then consume less food.

Here are some quick tips that will help you lose weight by water.

We all know that it is important to drink about 2 liters of water on a daily basis as part of a balanced diet. The your consumption of this rate of water or more helps moisturize body and leave the skin supple and moist. But it is necessary that the specific role played by water for your body to understand?

That drinking large amounts of water helps to increase the activity of the body and moisturize the cells to become more powerful to protect against diseases

Water diet helps to get rid of toxins and excess fat, which prevents the loss of weight, feeling tired, fatigue

So do not forget to drink more than eight glasses of water or more

Weight loss without a big effort! this is real

Some simple things that can make a big difference , especially when it is linked to weight loss
so, let's see these instructions and effective tips to get rid of weight without effort

Avoid eating to a feeling of fullness
Not eating to a feeling of fullness is one of the healthy habits that help improve the digestive process and facilitate bowel movement. It also helps to avoid the feeling of laziness and lethargy after meals. It advised eating by only 80% and leave the area of 20% of the stomach.

Drink plenty of water
Drink 2 cups of water, half an hour before meals helps to lose weight effectively. Where the water helps you feel full,

Eating breakfast daily
Be sure to eat a balanced breakfast containing protein source such as non-fat milk, or non-fat yogurt, complex carbohydrates such as bread or oatmeal brown, with fruit.

Reduce the size of your dish
Using smaller dishes helps reduce eat with not feeling hungry. because lots of people want to eat as much as 90% of the contents of the dish. Therefore, it is advisable to eat in small dishes, to eat less food.

Eating a small amount of sweets
You should eat sweets to lose weight, but not many of them, are also advised to eat desserts that contain fewer calories, such as dark chocolate

If you have any interference and other tips on this topic
 Join us in the comments

How to be attractive in the eyes of women ?

Be attractive, is not linked to beauty, not tall or long hairstyle, but is linked to the strong personality and renewable energy "charisma."
And women can know whether attracted to the man within minutes of their meeting, how the man knows he is attractive?

Now there are some tips to become more attractive

Try to be attractive by your actions, and to be respectful to all people and not just with women. You must help the elderly and children, these human qualities able to attract the attention of women to you faster than you think.

Appropriate clothing is necessary, so you must be your clothes according to the latest fashion, as well as appropriate for your body shape and personality. You must also choose appropriate to the time and place where you are

Perhaps the most striking attention of women to men is the shoe, so your interest in him and try to keep a neat shoe, clean and shiny occasions in your closet. Because the shoe featured a clean and reflects the order of the owner.

Public Cleanliness is as important as personal clothing. What is meant here clean hair-free crust, as well as nails and teeth striped well clean and smell of the mouth, which must be constantly refreshing.

As the cell phone has become of the basics in the current era, try to choose a ring reflect the true personality.

Let the perfume constant companion and be sure to carefully chosen, because the Perfume is the secret key to feelings of women.

Always acted on your nature, not playing another character far from you, but soon she will discover that, and will let you. Do not forget to make her feel that she is the most beautiful women and she is a princess, whether she is in the kitchen or were accompanying you in the most luxurious occasions.

Do you want to become intelligent ?? : Food increases the intelligence and memory !!!

Intelligence is the ability to be gained through exercise your mind and make it better through various means such as reading scientific books ....
But what many people do not know that there are foods help you increase your intelligence, and strengthen your memory

We begin governing food that increase or improve your intelligence and your memory

peanut butter
It is responsible for increasing the fat needed by the brain in order to speed up the processing of information and the ability to be absorbed

because it contains proteins and vitamins needed by the brain, such as vitamin B

especially fatty fish such as tuna because they contain omega-3 fat

Red meat 
because they contain a large proportion of protein, iron and fiber that keep brain cells from damage

fresh and dry Fruits and vegetables 
Because of the large number of vitamins that contain them and benefits, remains the best food strengthens memory
And raise the IQ, in addition to maintaining weight because they contain healthy fats

If you've followed these foods without extravagance, I am sure that you will increase your intelligence and strengthen the performance of your memory

What smart phone's health risks ??

With the proliferation of smart phones, health risks have emerged as a result of their use, although there is no conclusive evidence of formal views on the responsibility of smartphones for certain diseases, but you should see some risks that may be associated with the use of a smartphone:

HEARING: While you listen to music from your phone does not mean you will develop deafness, but the increase to the sound of the music player up to the maximum degree may hurt sensing cells in the inner ear that transmit auditory signals to the brain, leading to hearing loss.

Finger pain: a pain in the fingers, which is linked to writing on the phone and playing games, which result in repetition of finger movements as it happens when you are playing your favorite game for hours.

Addiction: Although this term is not accurate, but a study conducted in 2012 indicate that 60% of respondents are afraid to leave their mobile phones or secede, something that calls for meditation!

Neck pain: This is the result of the status of the head toward the forward taken by the mobile phone user, leading to pressure on the neck and leads to these pains.

Sleeping difficulties: the survey by Stanford University in 2010 showed that sleep near a mobile phone makes a person faces difficulties which, because of the phone lights which are thought to disrupt the secretion of melatonin in the brain that are related to the organization of sleep.

Five tips to quit smoking forever

Smoking causes 1/3 of cancer deaths and a quarter of the incidence of fatal heart attack
The 350,000 people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. What is surprising is that more than 40,000 study proved that smoking damages health and causes death.

In this article we offer you eight effective ways to quit smoking. If you are able to follow you will be able to control your life and your health better:

1. Select the reasons why you want to quit smoking.

Motivation is the most important factor in resisting the temptations of smoking, for this it is important to draw up a list of reasons for which you want to quit, according to the Centers for Disease Control advises and Prevention.
However, the reason "because it is harmful to health" may not be enough. Form the intention need to incentives strong character, such as "I want to protect my family from passive smoking" or "I want to be a good role model for my children" or "I want to avoid premature wrinkles" or "I want to give money," or "I do not want others to judge me that I exercise bad habit "or" I do not want to have the impotence. "

2. Have the support of others

Tell your family and friends whom you trust that you intend to quit smoking, and ask them to support in the coming days and weeks, but select them how to support (for example: I want these days to reduce the psychological stress),. If you know someone who quit smoking, talk with him about his experience, psychological support is reducing the tension caused by the resistance of addiction.

3. Select the times that crave a cigarette to

Do you crave a cigarette when you're tense or depressed? When you're with your friends smokers? With drinking coffee? After the meal? When you feel bored? While watching TV? After a quarrel with someone? Select the times and the circumstances that motivate you to smoke a plan to replace the habit of smoking in these times other habits distract them, for example, walking for a quarter of an hour or playing an electronic game on your smartphone or eating piece of fruit or chewing gum, wait 15 minutes, and activities to relax, spoke by telephone with someone you trust and the same feelings for him, see the list of the reasons you have set for yourself to quit smoking.

4. Remove all mentions smoking from your house and your car and your workplace

Get rid of all tobacco products and sulfur sticks, lighters, cigarettes dishes, tried to get rid of smoke odors from your home and car. Avoid places with too much smokers. Tell your friends that you intend to quit smoking, and ask them not to smoke in front of you, if it will not cause embarrassment.

5. Use the directions for specialists

Visit a clinic to quit smoking for the use of the advice of a doctor who specializes in quitting,. Contact quitting line if present in your country, it offers psychological support and counseling,

Discover as well as some alternative therapies such as hypnosis and laser technology and needles Chinese, yoga and meditation.

Do you have experience in quitting smoking? Tell us about the methods that you succeeded in the comments below.

Tips for relaxation !!

- Avoid chemical substances used to take care of the body.

- Comfortable taking a bath in the morning, and avoid hot water because the body loses minerals.

- rub your body daily in the morning and evening by hot towel or natural brush until the skin reddens.

- Try to sleep before midnight and waking up early.

- Try to do any daily physical activity of any type.

- Try as much as possible to walk barefoot on the grass or on the sand because the contact with the ground active energy pathways in the body.

- Keep your home clean and arranged especially the bedrooms and the kitchen.

- Avoid using electrical appliances in contact with the body such as the shaver and hair dryer and electric toothbrush.

- Put green plants in the house to purify the air and open the windows in the morning even when the weather is cool.

- Try to stay away from the TV screen to mitigate the effect of the rays. And avoid color TV.